Yb: YAG regenerative thin-disk amplifiers as an ideal pump and seed source for OPCPACLEO 2017, FW4D.3 Joerg Neuhaus, Florian Fink, Gregor Hehl, Mikhail Larionov, Robert Riedel, and Michael SchulzDausinger + Giesen GmbH, Class 5 Photonics GmbH
Yb: YAG regenerative thin-disk amplifiers as an ideal pump and seed source for OPCPACLEO 2017, FW4D.3 Joerg Neuhaus, Florian Fink, Gregor Hehl, Mikhail Larionov, Robert Riedel, and Michael SchulzDausinger + Giesen GmbH, Class 5 Photonics GmbH